Hansen Towing and Recovery

Auto Transportation Services
in Grand Rapids, MI

Hansen Towing for Transport Business

Auto Transportation Services in Grand Rapids, MI

Hansen Towing for Transport Business

In the Business of Transport

At Hansen Towing & Recovery, we value our local Grand Rapids business. We can help you move your business fleet, equipment, or utility vehicles anywhere and anytime.
Whether it’s lot-to-lot transport, disablement, or deliveries, we can do it all. Hansen Towing & Recovery is fully insured and licensed to transport vehicles within Michigan and adjacent states. Our employees must pass yearly background checks and medical checks and adhere to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard requirements.

Hansen Towing Service Near me

In the Business of Transport

Hansen Towing Service Near me

At Hansen Towing & Recovery, we value our local Grand Rapids business. We can help you move your business fleet, equipment, or utility vehicles anywhere and anytime.
Whether it’s lot-to-lot transport, disablement, or deliveries, we can do it all. Hansen Towing & Recovery is fully insured and licensed to transport vehicles within Michigan and adjacent states. Our employees must pass yearly background checks and medical checks and adhere to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard requirements.

We Deliver Excellence

Hansen Towing & Recovery is a reliable towing company in Michigan. We leave no stone unturned to ensure we provide our customers with an enriching experience. We offer competitive prices to help you tow your vehicle at an affordable rate. Give us a today.


We Deliver Excellence

Hansen Towing & Recovery is a reliable towing company in Michigan. We leave no stone unturned to ensure we provide our customers with an enriching experience. We offer competitive prices to help you tow your vehicle at an affordable rate. Give us a today.